Hari ni dok surfing terjumpe berita pasal ni plak.Ak xtau berape ramai yang dah tau pasal ni......
Erm ak dari dulu lg dok tgk org Melayu ni mmg suke sgt benda-benda mcm ni terutamanya org2 Perak sendiri.. Tengok aje la dekat Padang Polo( Taman Rekreasi Sultan Abdul Aziz) hujung minggu je mesti ada la poco-poco ni. Kalau x silap ak MBI sendiri yang anjurkan...
-Ni surat dari pejabat Mufti Perak yang ak dapat dri blog Oh! Tidak...
Ni plak antara Artikel ak jumpe pasal asal-usul poco-poco
Rahsia Asal Usul Tarian Poco-poco. Alhamdulillah kerana kita semua masih bernafas lagi dgn keizinanNya. Saya ingin berkongsi dgn rakan-rakan semua tantang tarian poco-poco yang sedang hangat ditarikan oleh semua lapisan masyarakat, umumnya masyarakat kita yg beragama Islam terutama suri-suri rumah dan badan-badan kerajaan ketika manghadiri kursus.
Sebenarnya tarian poco-poco ini berasal dari Filipina bukannya dari Indonesia.
Ia ditarikan oleh masyarakat yg berugama kristian ketika mereka menghadiri upacara sembahyang mingguan mereka. Lihatlah sahaja bagaimana pergerakannya, yang membentuk salib.
Mungkin kita tak perasan kerana kita suka mengikut-ikut sesuatu yg baru tanpa usul periksa. Inilah cara musuh-musuh islam mengenakan kita sedangkan kita tahu apabila kita melakukan sesuatu yg menyerupai sesuatu agama maka kita dikira merestui agama itu seperti amalan yoga yg telah difatwakan haram kerana menyerupai agama Hindu. cuma tarian poco2 ini belum difatwakan haram lagi.
Marilah kita sama2 fikirkan.
Saya dulu pernah terfikir, kenapa tarian itu dimulakan dari kiri? Dan apa jenis senaman ini? Relevankah tarian ini, yang kelihatan seperti tidak siuman?
Saya menyeru kepada diri anda semua supaya mengambil inisiatif untuk tidak lagi ‘menarikan’ lagi tarian ini yang ternyata mensyirikkan Allah tanpa kita sedar. Dan paling utama memohon keampunan daripada Allah S.W.T atas kejahilan kita tentang perkara ini sebelum ini.
Semoga mendapat perhatian pihak berkenaan agar mengkaji secara terperinci tentang kesahihan perkara ini,asal usul dan kesannya kepada akidah umat Islam dan mengeluarkan fatwa tentang tarian ini,agar Umat Islam tidak berterusan di dalam kelalaian dan ‘keasyikkan’ menarikan tarian ini.
JADI PIKIR-PIKIR LA SENDIRI YE... Ak cume tlg menyampaikan aje....
Dah lame dah x pegi tgk wayang ni erm ape2 pun tahniah pada KRU Studios kerana filem ni dah melepasi sasaran kutipan awal sebanyak RM6 juta...
Banyak kot 6 juta bukan senang filem Malaysia nak dapat jumlah kutipan 2.. 2 Alam Dr Rozmey pun kalah...HAHAHHHAHAHAHAH..
Petikan Utusan Malaysia Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa lepasi sasaran RM6 juta
KUALA LUMPUR 31 Mac - KRU Studios berjaya melepasi sasaran awal RM6 juta selepas memungut RM6.3 juta untuk filem terbaru terbitannya, Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa yang ditayangkan sejak 10 Mac lepas.
Penerbit filem berkenaan Norman Abdul Halim berkata, pencapaian itu menunjukkan masyarakat di negara ini boleh menerima genre filem berbentuk kenegaraan yang dipaparkan filem tersebut.
"Ini satu petanda baik kerana kebiasaannya, filem tempatan yang mendapat sambutan baik adalah bercorak komedi atau seram,” katanya kepada pemberita malam tadi selepas tayangan filem itu yang dihadiri Timbalan Menteri Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan, Datuk Maglin Dennis D”Cruz, mewakili Menterinya, Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim.
Norman berkata, selain Singapura dan Brunei, kira-kira 69 negara lain dijangka menayangkan filem itu secara berperingkat mulai Mei hingga Ogos ini.
Beliau berkata, kejayaan filem itu, yang menelan kos sebanyak RM8 juta dan mengambil masa 21 bulan untuk disiapkan, mampu menjadi batu loncatan kepada produksi tempatan lain menghasilkan karya bermutu serta bertaraf antarabangsa. - Bernama..
Beberapa pekerja bertugas di bilik kawalan di reaktor No. 2 selepas bekalan elektrik berjaya disambungkan di loji nuklear Fukushima pada 26 Mac lalu. – REUTERS
TOKYO 28 Mac – Kesilapan operator loji nuklear Fukushima, Tokyo Electric Co. (TEPCO) semalam mengeluarkan bacaan radiasi yang salah membangkitkan kemarahan kerajaan Jepun.
Ketua Setiausaha Kabinet, Yukio Edano menyifatkan kesilapan itu sebagai ‘tidak boleh dimaafkan sama sekali’.
Kebakaran, letupan dan kebocoran radiasi telah berkali-kali memaksa jurutera menggantung kerja bagi mengawal loji enam reaktor di Fukushima, termasuk semalam apabila paras radiasi di reaktor No.2 dikesan melonjak terlampau tinggi.
TEPCO awal semalam melaporkan paras radiasi di reaktor tersebut adalah 10 juta kali melebihi normal, menyebabkan petugas lari meninggalkan unit itu.
Namun pegawai kemudian memohon maaf selepas mengakui mereka tersilap kira dan angka yang sangat tinggi itu tidak munasabah.
Beberapa jam kemudian, Naib Presiden TEPCO, Sakae Muto berkata, ujian baru mendapati paras radiasi 100,000 kali melebihi normal, jauh lebih baik daripada bacaan awal walaupun masih sangat tinggi.
“Saya akui pekerja di tapak loji semakin letih, tetapi ujian radiasi itu digunakan untuk mengambil pelbagai keputusan berhubung keselamatan, kerana itu kesilapan mengeluarkan bacaan tidak boleh dimaafkan sama sekali,” kata Edano yang merupakan ketua jurucakap kerajaan.
Kecairan sebahagian rod tenaga nuklear di dalam bekas reaktor itu menjadi punca paras radiasi sangat tinggi di reaktor No. 2, katanya.
Edano menggambarkan insiden itu sebagai ‘sangat malang’ tetapi berkata, lonjakan paras radiasi dipercayai terbatas di dalam bangunan reaktor. – Reuters
Seorang wanita berjalan di tengah-tengah kebinasaan dan serpihan akibat gempa bumi kuat dan tsunami yang melanda Jepun lebih seminggu lalu di Rikuzentakata, Iwate, semalam. - AFP
TOKYO 22 Mac - Dua reaktor paling berbahaya di kompleks tenaga nuklear Fukushima, timur laut Jepun mengeluarkan kepulan asap dan wap hari ini, menggambarkan usaha mencegah malapetaka nuklear dan menyekat radiasi daripada merebak dari loji itu masih belum berhasil.
Pasukan juruteknik yang bertungkus-lumus di dalam zon bahaya di sekitar loji tersebut telah memasang kabel elektrik ke semua enam reaktornya dan menghidupkan sebuah pam untuk menyejukkan rod tenaga nuklear yang terlampau panas.
Bagaimanapun agensi berita Kyodo berkata, wap kelihatan keluar dari reaktor No. 2 manakala asap putih dikesan di atas reaktor No. 3, memaksa kerja ditangguhkan sementara waktu.
Semasa krisis itu, reaktor tersebut telah beberapa kali meletup dengan mengeluarkan wap yang dipercayai melepaskan sejumlah kecil zarah radioaktif.
Operator loji, Tokyo Electric Co. (TEPCO) kemudian berkata, keadaan di loji itu kini dianggap selamat untuk membolehkan kerja diteruskan bagi mengawal reaktor.
Selain krisis di loji tersebut, semakin banyak radiasi dikesan dalam sayur-sayuran, air dan susu, menimbulkan kebimbangan di kalangan rakyat Jepun dan di luar negara sekalipun kerajaan memberi jaminan parasnya tidak berbahaya.
TEPCO berkata, radiasi dikesan di Lautan Pasifik berdekatan loji Fukushima, sesuatu yang tidak mengejutkan kerana berlaku hujan dan reaktor disejukkan dengan air laut.
Pakar berkata, mereka tidak pasti di mana akhirnya air laut yang telah digunakan itu dibuang.
Iodin radioaktif dalam sampel air laut didapati 126.7 kali lebih tinggi daripada paras dibenarkan, manakala bahan radioaktif caesium dikesan 24.8 kali lebih tinggi, lapor Kyodo.
Namun TEPCO berkata, paras tersebut masih tidak membahayakan kesihatan.
"Air itu perlu diminum sepanjang tahun untuk seseorang menyerap radiasi satu milisievert," kata seorang pegawai TEPCO yang merujuk kepada unit ukuran radiasi yang standard.
Manusia selalunya terdedah kepada satu hingga 10 milisievert setahun daripada radiasi sekitar berpunca daripada bahan di dalam air dan tanah. - Reuters
Anggota tentera mengangkat satu mayat mangsa tsunami yang ditemui di bawah runtuhan bangunan di bandar Otsuchi di daerah Iwate, ketika salji mula turun di bandar itu, semalam. - AFP
TOKYO 17 Mac - Kebimbangan berhubung krisis nuklear Jepun semakin meningkat hari ini apabila helikopter tentera menggugurkan air ke atas loji kuasa nuklear yang semakin panas.
Di loji kuasa nuklear Fukushima, helikopter enjin berkembar Chinook menggugurkan bertan-tan air dalam usaha terdesak untuk menyejukkan reaktor yang terjejas akibat gempa bumi besar dan tsunami pada Jumaat lalu, mengakibatkan beribu-ribu penduduk yang hilang tempat tinggal kini berada dalam kesejukan ekoran ketiadaan bekalan elektrik.
Operasi helikopter di loji kuasa No. 1 Fukushima, di pantai Pasifik kira-kira 250 kilometer dari Tokyo dilakukan bagi memastikan batang besi bahan api terus berada dalam reaktor dan bekas simpanan bahan api tenggelam di bawah air.
Ancaman terbaru di loji tersebut adalah kolam menempatkan batang besi bahan api yang mengandungi rod bahan api terpakai yang masih belum dikeluarkan dari reaktor tetapi masih tinggi dengan kandungan radioaktif.
Struktur itu direndam dalam air sejuk selama bertahun-tahun sehingga ia memancarkan haba yang cukup bagi membolehkan simpanan dijalankan.
Menurut pakar, air di sebuah daripada kolam tersebut mula tersejat kerana rod mula memanas dan suhu semakin naik di dua lagi kolam selepas sistem pam penyejuk rosak akibat impak tsunami.
Pakar memberi amaran, jika tangki tersebut kering sehingga mengakibatkan rod terdedah, batang besi itu boleh melebur atau terbakar sekali gus mengakibatkan paras radiasi tinggi yang boleh membawa maut. - AFP
Berita yang mengejutkan untuk umat Islam di Malaysia....
Petikan dari Utusan Online.
51 syarikat digantung Sijil Pengesahan Halal – Jamil Khir
PUTRAJAYA 18 Mac – Sebanyak 51 syarikat digantung Sijil Pengesahan Halal (SPH) mereka kerana melakukan pelbagai kesalahan melanggar piawaian halal Malaysia bagi tahun 2010, kata Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom.
Beliau berkata, daripada jumlah itu sebanyak enam syarikat telah ditarik balik taraf SPH oleh panel pengesahan halal dan tidak dibenarkan menggunakan logo halal.
Bagaimanapun katanya, 23 syarikat lagi telah dikembalikan SPH selepas panel pengesahan halal berpuas hati dengan tindakan pembetulan syarikat terbabit sebagaimana diarahkan, manakala 22 syarikat lagi masih dalam tindakan pembetulan.
"Rekod tersebut merupakan hasil 1,384 pemantauan yang dilakukan oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) di seluruh negara.
“Daripada jumlah itu, sebanyak 1,077 bagi kategori produk makanan, 267 premis makanan di hotel dan restoran, 38 rumah sembelih dan dua pemantauan di kawasan gudang.
"Pemantauan tersebut dibuat ekoran pihak Jakim menerima pelbagai aduan daripada pengguna berhubung penyalahgunaan logo dan juga sijil halal,” katanya selepas menghadiri majlis penyerahan kad kuasa pelantikan penolong pengawal perihal perdagangan kepada pegawai Jakim di bawah Akta Perihal Dagangan 1972 di sini hari ini. – Bernama
Jadi untuk kepastian sila layari laman HALAL MALAYSIA untuk senarai syarikat dan badan yang mendapat pengiktrafan sijil Halal dari JAKIM....
Sape perasan yang sejak gempa bumi dekat Jepun tempoh hari mengakibat Internet agak lembab terutama sekali bila nak loading Facebook disebabkan oleh >>> Klik sini untuk maklumat<<<< kerosakan pada Japan – US Cable Network (JUCN) and Asia Pacific Cable Network 2 (APCN2) cable networks linking Malaysia to The United States of America (USA) and Hong Kong (HK).
Jadi hari ni aku nak kongsi mcm mane na lajukan loading Facebook supaya x lembab mcm skarng ni sementara kabel-kabel berkanaan belum dibaik pulih...
Cara Nak Lajukan Loading Facebook Bagi Pengguna Window :
1. Pergi ke C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\
2. Buka “hosts” file dan klik pada Notepad
3. Kemudian korang tambah nombor ni kat bawah sekali www.facebook.com facebook.com 4. Klik Save. Kalau “Access Denied” Korang hanya perlu copy kat Desktop, Edit > Save, Pastu replace dekat folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\
Contoh Di Bawah :
# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a ‘#’ symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost www.facebook.com facebook.com
Mudah je, lepas tu korang akan merasai kelajuan yang tak disangka-sangka, Hahaha. Selamat Mencuba! Aku dah cube tips ni, memang laju giler facebook aku..
TOKYO—Japan’s nuclear crisis intensified dramatically on Wednesday after authorities announced that a second reactor unit at the stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station in northeastern Japan may have ruptured and appeared to be releasing radioactive steam.
The spike in radiation level above the nuclear plant prompted the defense ministry to put off a highly unusual plan to dump water from military helicopters to lower temperatures in an overheating pool containing spent fuel rods.
The vessel that possibly ruptured had been seen as the last fully intact line of defense against large-scale releases of radioactive material from one of the stricken reactors, but it was not clear how serious the possible breach might be.
The implications of overheating in the fuel rod pool at Dai-ichi’s No. 3 reactor also seemed perilous.
The developments were the latest in Japan’s swirling tragedy since an earthquake and tsunami struck the country with unbridled ferocity on Friday, leaving more than 11,000 people officially listed as dead or missing. Up to 450,000 people are staying in temporary shelters.
In a token of the mood of profound apprehension, Emperor Akihito told the nation on Wednesday: “We don’t know the number of victims, but I pray that every single person can be saved.”
Helicopter arrives
The plan to dump water from big, twin-rotor CH-47 helicopters—a tactic normally employed to combat forest fires—came after the company operating the reactors withdrew most of its workers from the plant on Tuesday, leaving only a skeleton crew of 50 struggling to lower temperatures.
When those workers were forced to suspend cooling operations, the spent fuel rod pool began heating up dangerously.
A helicopter was seen in television footage circling the plant, but then dumped its water some way off. Earlier, Japanese broadcasters showed live footage of thick plumes of steam rising above the nuclear plant.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said the government believed the steam was coming from the No. 3 reactor where an explosion on Monday blew out part of the building surrounding the containment vessel.
The reactor has three layers of protection—the building; containment vessel, and metal cladding around fuel rods, which are inside the reactor. Those rods at the No. 3 reactor were likely already damaged.
A surge in radiation levels at the plant as the steam was rising forced some of the relatively few workers left at the plant to retreat indoors, suspending some critical efforts to pump water into several reactors to keep them cool.
Confusing reports
Earlier on Wednesday morning, Tokyo Electric Power Co. that runs the plant reported that a fire was burning at a different reactor, just hours after officials said flames that erupted on Tuesday had been doused.
A government official at Japan’s nuclear regulatory agency soon after said that flames and smoke were no longer visible, but he cautioned that it was unclear if the fire, at the building housing the No. 4 reactor, had died out. He also was not clear if it was a new fire or if the fire on Tuesday had never gone out.
There are a total of six reactors at the plant.
The developments are troubling reminders of the difficulties that Tokyo Electric is having in bringing under control the nuclear plant, which has suffered multiple explosions since Saturday.
And the confusion is emblematic of days of often contradictory reports about what is happening at the plant.
Tokyo Electric says it cannot know for sure what is happening in many cases because it is too dangerous for workers to get close to some reactors.
The situation became especially dire on Tuesday, when releases of radiation led the company to pull most of its workers from the plant.
Pools of spent rods
Among the main concerns of authorities are pools for spent fuel rods at several reactors at the plant, including the No. 4 reactor, where the pool has lost some of the water needed to keep the fuel rods stable. The rods are still radioactive and potentially as hot and dangerous as the fuel rods inside the reactors.
Tuesday’s explosion was caused by hydrogen gas bubbling up from chemical reactions set off by the fuel rods in the pool, Japanese officials said. Inspectors from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission said they had been told by Japanese authorities that what was burning was lubricating oil from machinery near the pool.
Concern remained high about the storage pools at the No. 5 and No. 6 reactors. None of those three reactors at the plant, 220 kilometers northeast of Tokyo, were operating on Friday afternoon when an offshore earthquake with a magnitude now estimated at 9.0 shook the site. A tsunami rolled into the northeast Japanese coastline minutes later, swamping the plant.
At least 750 workers were evacuated on Tuesday morning after a separate explosion ruptured the inner containment building at the No. 2 reactor of the Dai-ichi plant, which was crippled by Friday’s earthquake and tsunami.
Surge of radiation
The closely spaced but apparently coincidental explosions at the No. 2 and No. 4 reactors together released a surge of radiation 800 times as intense as the recommended hourly exposure limit in Japan.
But 50 workers stayed behind. Taking shelter when possible in the reactor’s control room, which is heavily shielded from radiation, they struggled through the morning and afternoon to keep hundreds of gallons of seawater a minute flowing through temporary fire pumps into the stricken No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 reactors, where overheated fuel rods continued to boil away the water at a brisk pace.
By early afternoon radiation levels had plunged. Workers were able to release surges of radiation each time they bled radioactive steam from the troubled reactors in an attempt to manage the pressure inside them, but the reactors were not yet releasing high levels of radiation on a sustained basis.
Late Tuesday morning, Prime Minister Naoto Kan warned in a nationally televised address of rising radiation. The government urged people living within 30 kilometers of the Dai-ichi plant to take precautions.
The sudden turn of events, after Monday’s explosion at one reactor and then Tuesday morning’s explosion on at yet another reactor—the third in four days at the plant—had already made the crisis at the Dai-ichi plant the worst nuclear accident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.
It had become impossible for workers to remain at many areas within the nuclear power plant for extended periods.
Alarming explosion
The explosion at the No. 2 reactor on Tuesday morning alarmed Japanese officials and nuclear power experts around the world because it was the first detonation at the plant that appeared to occur inside one of the primary containment vessels.
Those buildings are fortress-like structures of steel and reinforced concrete, designed to absorb the impact of a plane crash and minimize radiation leaks.
After a series of conflicting reports about how much damage the reactor had sustained after that blast, Edano acknowledged there was “a very high probability that a portion of the containment vessel was damaged.”
Japanese officials subsequently said that the explosion had damaged a doughnut-shaped steel container of water that surrounds the base of the reactor vessel inside the primary containment building. Reports from New York Times News Service and Associated Press
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri : “Jom kita pergi shopping”
Suami : “Jom..dari duduk rumah, bosan plak..” Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri : “Jom kita pergi shopping”
Suami : “Abang penat laaa..Ayang pergi sendiri laaa..”
Penghujung perkahwinan
Isteri : “Jom kita pergi shopping”
Suami : “apa la shopping, buat habis duit jer..” *** Makan
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri : “Hari ini kita makan kedai ye..”
Suami : “OK..no problem..” Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri : “Hari ini kita makan kedai ye..”
Suami : “Awak tak boleh masak ke ?” Penghujung perkahwinan
Isteri : “Hari ini kita makan kedai ye..”
Suami : “Lebih baik kawin lain yang boleh masak untuk abang” *** Anak
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri : “Ayang mengandung.. ”
Suami : “Abang tak sabar nak lihat anak kita..” Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri : “Abang tolong buat susu anak..”
Suami : “Abang mengantuk laa..ayang buat laaa..” Penghujung perkahwinan
Isteri : “Cuba awak tegur anak tu sikit..”
Suami : “Haiii..anak awak..awak ajelah yang tegur…” *** Kerja Rumah
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri : “Ayang masak, abang kemas rumah ye..”
Suami : “OK..no problem..” Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri : “Ayang masak, abang kemas rumah ye…”
Suami : “Saya penat, awak ajelahh yang buat..” Penghujung perkahwinan
Isteri : “Ayang masak, abang kemas rumah ye..”
Suami : “Awak tak boleh buat keee..” *** Hadiah
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri : “Sempena hari jadi saya, abang nak hadiahkan apa ?”
Suami : “Apa yang ayang inginkan..” Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri : “Sempena hari jadi saya, abang nak hadiahkan apa ?”
Suami : “Setiap tahun saya berikan…tak cukup lagi ke ?” Penghujung perkahwinan
Isteri : “Sempena hari jadi saya, abang nak hadiahkan apa ?”
Suami : “Tak payah le hadiah-hadiahhhhh. …” *** Masak
Awal Perkahwinan
Isteri : “Ayang tak pandai masak..”
Suami : “takpe, biar abang masak..” Pertengahan Perkahwinan
Isteri : “Ayang tak pandai masak..”
Suami : “masak jer la apa2 jer..” Penghujung perkahwinan
Isteri : “Ayang tak pandai masak..”
Suami : “awak ni memang pemalas..” Romantik ke ni???
A 8.9-magnitude earthquake with an epicentre about 400km northeast of Tokyo hit Japan at 1:46pm Malaysian time (2:46pm Japan time) on 11 March 2011. A series of tsunami had also hit the north eastern coast of Japan. There are local reports of damage to buildings and infrastructure. As of press time, the Japanese authorities have started rescue efforts.
2. The Malaysian Embassy in Tokyo is monitoring the situation and is taking action to contact Malaysian citizens and students in the affected areas. There are no reports of casualties among Malaysians at press time and all embassy officials and their families are reported to be safe. The Malaysian Embassy is also in close contact with the Japanese authorities for the latest updates on the situation and advisories.
3. The Ministry has also activated its Operations Room and the following contact lines as focal points for the public to seek information pertaining to the latest situation on the earthquake in Japan.
03 8887 4570
03 8887 4770
03 8889 2746
03 8889 2830
Prepared by:
East Asia Division
Wisma Putra
11 March 2011
Penduduk Labuan dan Sabah dinasihat tidak ke pantai
KUALA LUMPUR 11 Mac – Penduduk di Labuan dan Sabah dinasihati supaya menjauhi pesisir pantai ekoran laut bergelora dan paras air laut lebih tinggi daripada yang di jangka bermula 6 petang hingga tengah malam ini.
Jabatan Metereologi dalam satu kenyataan hari ini berkata, ini di jangka berlaku ekoran gempa bumi kuat yang melanda Jepun tengah hari tadi.
Katanya, satu gempa bumi bermagnitud 8.8 pada skala Richter telah berlaku di Pantai Honshu, Jepun pada 1.46 petang, 4,434 kilometer dari timur laut Kudat, Sabah.
Bagaimanapun tiada amaran tsunami dikeluarkan kepada negara ini. – Bernama
At least 26 people reported dead and several people buried in landslide
People in cars try to outrun waves on coastal highways
Japanese PM says no radiation leaks report after nuclear plants close
Hundreds injured after ceiling caves in at Tokyo graduation ceremony
Physicist describes event as one of history's 'great quakes'
Buildings rocked in China's capital Beijing, 1,500 miles away
Hawaii on tsunami alert: Wave expected to hit at 3am local time
UK airlines cancel flights to Tokyo following the devastation
Huge tsunami waves have washed away buildings and cars after one of the world's worst earthquakes in recent history struck off the coast of Japan this morning.
The earthquake, measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale, sent ten-metre waves surging inland and caused fires in Tokyo.
The quake, which is the fifth worst since 1900, caused a tsunami which struck Sendai on the northeaster coast of Japan which has a population of about one million.
Thousands of people were fleeing for their lives as killer waves swamped with mud and debris swept through cities and residential areas.
Utter devastation: Flames engulf houses in Sendai, Miyagi, after they were swallowed up by enormous tsunamis waves that swept through Japan after a massive earthquake this morning
Closed: Sendia Airport in north-east Japan was one of the first places to be swamped by the tsunami that raced inland following the quake
Creeping dread: In this image from Japan's NHK TV video footage, houses in Sendai are washed away by the tsunami as the waves power ashore
Japan submerged: Government broadcaster NHK shows cars on a flooded street in the Miyagi region following the earthquake-triggered tsumani
Drivers were seen fleeing the waves on highways close to the coast as the impact of the huge quake swept ashore while the car park at Disneyland in Tokyo was submerged.
Dramatic footage showed the surge washing away cars, a bridge and buildings at the mouth of the Hirose-gawa River, which flows through the centre of Sendai, while a roof caved in at a graduation ceremony in Tokyo.
A large ship swept away by the tsunami rammed directly into a breakwater in Kesennuma city in the Miyagi region, according to footage on public broadcaster NHK, and numerous people are believed to have been injured.
More than four million people are believed to currently be without power and the Japanese army has now been deployed.
The repercussions of the quake will be felt around the world with several regions in the Pacific Ocean issued with Tsunami warnings and all UK flights to Tokyo cancelled.
Officials were trying to assess possible damage from the quake but had no immediate details.
Wave of destruction: Giant fireballs rise from an oil refinery in n Ichihara, Chiba that was shaken by the tremors from the catastrophe
Chaos: Stunned office workers look on as smoke engulfs buildings in Tokyo following the tremors and aftershocks from the earthquake
Stunned residents walk past a crushed bus stop which was destroyed by part of fallen outer wall of a nearby building in Sendai, Miyagi
Muddy tide: Mud and debris caught up in the encroaching tsunami wave that crashed into the Japanese mainland rushes through the tarmac car park at Sendai airport today
Speaking on national television, Japanese prime minister Naoto Kan said: 'I offer my deepest sympathy to the people who have suffered the disaster.
‘Regarding our nuclear facilities, some of the plants have stopped automatically but so far no radioactive material has been confirmed to have been leaked to the outside.
‘Given the situation an emergency disaster response has been set up with myself as the head
‘We will secure the safety of the people of Japan. We ask the people of Japan to continue to be cautious and vigilant. We ask the people of Japan to react calmly.'
People stand outside a Tokyo building as the impact of the quake becomes clear
Impact: A mother and her daughter watch nervously as waters from tsunami waves creep closer to them in Tokyo while an elderly man in the financial district sits wrapped under a blanket
Injuries: Rescue workers hurry to a building following reports of injuries in Tokyo's financial district today
At least 19 people have been reported dead, one of whom was hit by a collapsing wall at a Honda factory and several people are believed to have been buried in a landslide.
Thirty international search and rescue teams stand ready to go to Japan to provide assistance following a major earthquake, the United Nations said on Friday.
'We stand ready to assist as usual in such cases,' Elisabeth Byrs of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance told Reuters in Geneva.
'Thirty international search and rescue teams are on alert and monitoring the situation and stand ready to assist if necessary.'
Several nuclear power stations have closed down automatically in the wake of the earthquake while officials ordered 'Get out of your homes - rush to high ground,' as sirens wailed
The impact of the quake remains to be seen, with its magnitude comparable to the earthquake that sparked the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004, killing 250,000 people.
In Tokyo office worker cowered under their desks or stood in doorframes as buildings shook and swayed.
Moment of impact: People at a book store react as the store's ceiling falls in Sendai
The impact of the quake is shown (left) while Yurikamome train passengers walk on the elevated track towards Shiodome Station in Tokyo's Shiodome district
But it was along the coast that the worst damage and the most deaths were expected to be reported
The quake that struck 2:46pm was followed by a series of aftershocks, including a 7.4-magnitude one about 30 minutes later. The U.S. Geological Survey upgraded the strength of the first quake to a magnitude 8.9.
The after-effects of the quake are evident in Japan's transport network, with roads damaged and the army mobilised.
Many sections of Tohoku expressway serving northern Japan have been damaged and there are reports of a major fire at Chiba refinery near Tokyo.
Bullet trains to the north of the country stopped while Narita airport has been closed with flights halted and passengers evacuated.
The Japanese tsunami comes just days after the Internet was awash with warnings that the movement of the moon will trigger tidal waves, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
Some claim that on March 19 - a week tomorrow - the moon will be closer to Earth than at any time since 1992, just 221,567 miles away, and that its gravitational pull will bring chaos to Earth.
Astronomers have dismissed the claims, which centre on a phenomenon called the 'lunar perigee', as pure nonsense.
The moon's orbit around Earth is not a circle, but an eclipse. At its closest approach - the perigee - the moon appears brighter and larger in the sky. When it is furthest away - the apogee - it is smaller and dimmer.
A lunar perigee occurs once a month. However, next week's perigee coincides with a full moon - a combination of events that happen just once every two or three years.
Although it makes a good photo opportunity for astronomers, scientists say it has no impact on Earth.
Previous supermoons took place in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005 - all years that had extreme weather events, the supporters of the supermoon theory say.
The tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of people in Indonesia happened two weeks before the January 2005 supermoon. And on Christmas Day 1974, Cyclone Tracy laid waste to Darwin, Australia.
But U.S. astrologer Richard Nolle, who coined the term 'supermoon' in 1979, is convinced that lunar perigees cause natural disasters on Earth.
He said the recent supermoon on February 18 helps explain the earthquake that struck New Zealand on February 22.
'Supermoons have a historical association with strong storms, very high tides, extreme tides and also earthquakes,' he told ABC radio this week.
'Supermoons are like eclipses. We have roughly five to six per year and so it can be very close to Earth but we don't have to have one at the maximum close approach to have a notable effect.'
The quake rattled skyscrapers in Tokyo further south, where the streets around the main train station were packed with commuters stranded after buses and trains were halted.
Tokyo's underground system and suburban trains have also been halted while Sendai airport, the hub closest to the quake, has flooded.
Central banks have now vowed to do utmost to ensure financial market stability but the instabiltiy of the situation was clear as several nuclear power plants shut down automatically.
Tepco's Fukushimi No. 1 plant had an equipment problem after the quake, but safety is ensured, officials say.
The speed of the disaster is clear as a tsunami demolishes buildings in Sendai city (top-bottom, L-R) in this combination picture made from still images taken from video footage
Upturned: Capsized ships are shown at a port of Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture, after the quake
Capital shakes: A building burns after an earthquake in the Odaiba district of Tokyo
A nation ablaze: A factory burns after the impact of the earthquake
The meteorological agency issued a tsunami warning for the entire Pacific coast of Japan. National broadcaster NHK was warning those near the coast to get to safer ground.
The most devastating earthquake in recent times caused a huge Boxing Day tsunami killing an estimated 250,000 people in 14 different countries
The 9.3 magnitude earthquake in the Indian Ocean created waves of up to 100 feet high devastating communities in south-east Asia.
It was the second largest quake ever recorded - and it was the biggest tsunami for at least 40 years.
The waves travelled at up to 500mph after the huge earthquake caused by the sea floor jolting up by 20 metres shifting billions of tonnes of water.
As the clean-up operation got underway the international community pledged £7billion in aid in the first six months following the disaster. The British pledged an estimated £350million in aid.
Although some estimates put the death toll at 300,000 people the true figure is impossible to establish as there were many unrecorded private burials. There were 150 British deaths.
There were so many casualties because of the large number of densely-populated coastal communities and the lack of a system to warn of the impending disaster following the massive quake.
In contrast, in Japan communities are well-drilled on the risk of tsunamis and warning systems are in place.
Last month a large 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch, New Zealand, killing at least 166 people.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii said a tsunami warning was in effect for Japan, Russia, Marcus Island and the Northern Marianas.
A tsunami watch has been issued for Guam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and the U.S. state of Hawaii.
Meanwhile, UK airlines cancelled flights to Tokyo today.
A British Airways plane heading for Tokyo's Hareda airport had pushed back off the stand at Heathrow today when the airline decided it would not be leaving.
BA also cancelled its daily Heathrow service to Tokyo's Narita airport.
The quake struck at a depth of six miles (10 kilometres), about 80 miles (125 kilometres) off the eastern coast, the agency said.
The area is 240 miles (380 kilometre) northeast of Tokyo.
In downtown Tokyo, large buildings shook violently and workers poured into the street for safety.
TV footage showed a large building on fire and bellowing smoke in the Odaiba district of Tokyo.
In central Tokyo, trains were stopped and passengers walked along the tracks to platforms.
Footage on NHK from their Sendai office showed employees stumbling around and books and papers crashing from desks.
Several quakes had hit the same region in recent days, including a 7.3 magnitude one on Wednesday.
Thirty minutes after the quake, tall buildings were still swaying in Tokyo and mobile phone networks were not working. Japan's Coast Guard has set up task force and officials are standing by for emergency contingencies, Coast Guard official Yosuke Oi said.
'I'm afraid we'll soon find out about damages, since the quake was so strong,' he said.
Injured people are attended to by emergency personnel after an earthquake in downtown Tokyo
Panic buying: Hundreds of Oahu residents flocked to to purchase water and supplies after warnings the tsunami could reach Hawaii
Earthquakes are common in Japan, one of the world's most seismically active areas. The country accounts for about 20 percent of the world's earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater and on average, an earthquake occurs every 5 minutes.
But Friday's quake, coming a few weeks after New Zealand's city of Christchurch was devastated by a strong earthquake, was petrifying.
'I was terrified and I'm still frightened,' said Hidekatsu Hata, 36, manager of a Chinese noodle restaurant in Tokyo's Akasaka area. 'I've never experienced such a big quake before.'
Earthquakes are common in Japan, one of the world's most seismically active areas.
The country accounts for about 20 per cent of the world's earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater.
Several continental and oceanic plates meet in the Japan area, which is why there are so many volcanoes and hot springs across the nation.
Located in a volcanic zone so active it is nicknamed the Pacific Ring of Fire, catastrophic earthquakes occur several times each century.
Japan has suffered an estimated 200 recorded tsunamis in its history due to earthquakes that take place below or close to the Pacific Ocean.
In October 2004, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 struck the Niigata region in northern Japan, killing 65 people and injuring more than 3,000.
That was the deadliest quake since a magnitude 7.3 tremor hit the city of Kobe in 1995, killing more than 6,400.
Asagi Machida, a 27-year-old web designer in Tokyo, was walking near a coffee shop when the earthquake hit. 'The images from the New Zealand earthquake are still fresh in my mind so I was really scared. I couldn't believe such a big earthquake was happening in Tokyo.'
Kyodo news agency reported 14 fires had broken out in Tokyo after the quake, and a refinery in Chiba, just outside the capital, was also ablaze.
Hundreds of people spilt out onto the streets of Tokyo after the quake, with crowds gathering in front of televisions in shop windows for details on the quake. Some passengers on a subway line in Tokyo screamed and grabbed other passengers.
'I dashed out of my office. I sort of panicked and left behind my mobile phone and belongings,' said Aya Nakamura, an office worker in Tokyo.
'You see the crane on top of that tall building under construction? I thought it might fall off the building because all the buildings around me were shaking badly,' she said, standing with her colleague on the street.
At least 19 people have so far been killed in Japan, but the death toll is almost certain to rise.
The quake surpasses the Great Kanto quake of September 1, 1923, which had a magnitude of 7.9 and killed more than 140,000 people in the Tokyo area. Seismologists had said another such quake could strike the city any time.
A 1995 quake in Kobe caused $100 billion in damage and was the most expensive natural disaster in history. For Takeshi Okada, Friday's quake was a chilling reminder of that disaster.
'I was so scared,' said the 36-year-old coffee shop manager in downtown Tokyo.
'I remember seeing what happened with the Kobe earthquake (in 1995) and thought, what if that happens to Tokyo? I'm kind of panicking. I don't want to go outside because something might crash down on me.'