Berikut kronologi insiden kehilangan MH370: * 8 Mac - Pesawat MH370, jenis Boeing 777-200, membawa 239 penumpang dan anak kapal berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) pada 12.41 pagi dan dijadual mendarat di Beijing, China pada 6.30 pagi hari yang sama. * 8 Mac - Pesawat MH370 dilaporkan hilang daripada radar awam Jabatan Penerbangan Awam Malaysia (DCA) pada 1.30 pagi 120 batu nautika di timur perairan Kota Baharu, Kelantan. * 8 Mac - Operasi mencari dan menyelamat (SAR) digerak pada 5.30 pagi melibatkan 15 pesawat TUDM, termasuk empat Hercules C130, sebuah CN 235, empat EC 725, dua helikopter Augusta serta enam kapal Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) dan tiga kapal Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia (Maritim).
* 8 Mac - Kenyataan media Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan MAS Ahmad Jauhari Yahya pada 7.30 pagi mengesahkan kehilangan pesawat itu dan kesemua keluarga penumpang dimaklumkan; pecahan kerakyatan penumpang MH370 iaitu 38 rakyat Malaysia, 153 rakyat China, Indonesia (12), Australia (7), Perancis (3), Amerika Syarikat (3), New Zealand (2), Ukraine (2), Kanada (2), Rusia (1), Itali (1), Taiwan (1), Belanda (1) dan Austria (1). * 9 Mac - Panglima Angkatan Tentera Tan Sri Zulkifeli Mohd Zin berkata kawasan pencarian diperluas di Laut China Selatan dan Selat Melaka. * 9 Mac - Ketua Pengarah DCA Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman mengesahkan hanya dua penumpang yang menggunakan pasport palsu Itali dan Austria, menaiki pesawat MH370. * 10 Mac - Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berikrar kerajaan akan melakukan yang terbaik dalam operasi mencari dan menyelamat MH370. * 10 Mac - Maritim menerima keputusan ujian sampel tompokan minyak yang ditemui di perairan Vietnam, yang negatif minyak pesawat dan disahkan sebagai minyak bagi kapal kargo. * 11 Mac - Misteri dua penumpang terjawab apabila Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dan ibu pejabat Interpol mendedahkan identiti mereka iaitu warga Iran yang dikenali sebagai Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad, 19, dan Delavar Seyed Mohammad Erza, 29. Kedua-dua mereka disahkan tidak mempunyai kaitan dengan kumpulan pengganas dan dipercayai cuba berhijrah ke Eropah. * 12 Mac - Hishammuddin memperjelas beberapa isu termasuk ada sedikit kemungkinan MH370 melewati Selat Melaka, kerjasama dengan pakar penerbangan luar negara dan semua orang yang mendaftar dalam penerbangan MH370 menaiki pesawat. Empat penumpang tidak muncul semasa mendaftar. Mereka diganti dengan penumpang daripada senarai menunggu. Penumpang berkenaan menaiki pesawat. Tiada bagasi yang tidak dimuatkan. Dua lelaki rakyat Iran, yang memasuki dan meninggalkan Malaysia menaiki pesawat MH370, menggunakan pasport yang sama.
Baru-baru ini, Singapura telah menyuarakan pertolongnya untuk menghantar sebuah DEEP SEA SUBS RESCUE (tetapi ramai yang menyangka ia adalah sebuah kapal selam perang) yang dilancarkan dari kapal MV Swift Rescue milik RSN. Ia adalah bertujuan bagi mengesan bangkai pesawat yang berada di laut dalam dan mencari Black Box pada pesawat yang terhempas. Black Box ini sangat penting bagi siasatan NTSB dan DCA Malaysia dalam mencari punca nahas.
Submarine Support and Rescue Vessel (SSRV) ini bagaimanapun telah dimiliki oleh Malaysia sejak pengoperasian Scorpene Submarine. Ia adalah kapal sokongan yang menjadi satu keperluan sangat penting bagi mana-mana negara yang mengoperasikan kapal selam dan mampu menjadi Submarine SAR (SUBSAR) untuk menyelamat mana-mana kapal selam yang karam di lautan dalam. Namun, dalam masa yang sama juga, ia boleh digunakan bagi operasi SAR terhadap kapal terbang atau kapal lautan yang karam ke dalam laut bagi mengesan bangkai kapal dan membantu siasatan punca nahas.
Pengoperasian robotic submarine bukanlah suatu yang baru bagi TLDM. Sebelum ini Mahamiru Class telahpun mengoperasikan Olister SUV (Submarine Unnamed Vehicle) bagi tugas mengesan periuk api. Bagi MV Mega Bakti pula, ia sudah cukup sekadar ROV (dalam gambar kecil) bagi sokongan bawah permukaan, namun kapal ini tidak memiliki Submarine Escape and Rescue (SMER) seperti mana yang dimiliki oleh MV Swift Rescue.
MV Mega Bakti antara kapal bantuan yang dihantar ke lokasi bagi mengesan Kehilangan MH370
A Tuoi Tre reporter (in red) stands beside a Vietnamese helicopter ready for a search and rescue mission on March 9, 2014 at the reported crash site of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, about 153 nautical miles (275km) off Vietnam’s Tho Chu Island.
U.S. Navy helicopter departs from the USS Pinckney to aid in the search and rescue efforts for missing Malaysian airlines flight MH370 in the Gulf of Thailand on Sunday.
A helicopter prepares to land onboard the China Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) ship Haixun-31 during a brief stop in Sanya in southern China's Hainan province Sunday March 9, 2014. The ship is expected to join an ongoing search for the missing Malaysian Airlines' passenger plane that vanished on Saturday.
MV Mega Bakti.. Submarine Support Vessels
Military personnel on March 8, 20014, scanning the sea aboard a Vietnamese Air Force aircraft taking part in a search mission for missing Malaysia Airlines aircraft MH370. -- PHOTO: AFP
The emergency response team sent by China's Ministry of Transport set out early Sunday morning from Sanya to sea area where missing Malaysia Airline flight MH 370 may have crashed
Rescue vessel Rescue 101, loaded with a Chinese emergency response team, departs from Sanya Port
Rescue operation: A Vietnamese air force pilot touches the controls of a transport plane today
MMEA deployed its AW139 chopper for search and rescue mission of MAS flight MH370. Pix by NSTP/Sairien Nafis
In this photo released by Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, a patrol vessel searches for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane off Tok Bali Beach in Kelantan, Malaysia on Sunday
Aerial view of oil slick at sea on March 9 from Vietnamese military helicopter in search of missing Flight MH370
VIENNA/ROM 8 Mac - Dua individu masing-masing dari Itali dan Austria yang tersenarai sebagai mangsa yang menaiki pesawat MH370 milik Malaysia Airlines (MAS) yang didapati hilang di Laut China Selatan awal hari ini, dipercayai masih hidup dan tidak menaiki pesawat berkenaan.
Menurut jurucakap Kementerian Luar Itali, tiada rakyatnya menaiki pesawat itu, sebaliknya Luigi Maraldi, 37, disahkan tidak berada di dalam jet penumpang tersebut seperti disenaraikan oleh syarikat penerbangan berkenaan.
Sebuah akhbar Itali, Corriere Della melaporkan bahawa pasport milik Maraldi dipercayai hilang di Thailand pada bulan Ogos lalu.
Agensi berita ANSA pula melaporkan, ibu bapa Maraldi telah pun menghubunginya yang kini berada di Thailand dan mengesahkan anak mereka selamat.
Sementara itu, seorang warga Austria, Christian Kozel, 30, yang turut dilaporkan menaiki pesawat tersebut, dilaporkan selamat. - REUTERS
All the time shown is on GMT timezone.. Two passengers - on Austrian and one Italian - believed to have been on board, have since been confirmed as alive and well
This is the first photo to reportedly show the oil slicks spotted off the south coast of Vietnam.
We cannot verify its authenticity at this time.
4:13 pm
This is the first photo to reportedly show the oil slicks spotted off the south coast of Vietnam.
We cannot verify its authenticity at this time.
4:08 pm
At this stage we still have no confirmation on what has happened to MH370.
But speculation about a possible terror attack has increased in the past few hours in light of the revelation that two of the passengers were travelling of stolen passport.
The government blamed separatists for the slaughter.
3:51 pm
Some more information on the reports of oil slicks spotted near Vietnam.
"Vietnam rescue airplanes saw two oil spills and one smoke column in the area around 150 miles west of Tho Chu island, but we can't confirm it's from that Malaysia plane," Pham Quy Tieu, vice minister of transportation, told Reuters by telephone.
"We sent two maritime boats and some military boats there to clarify, each boat with about 20 people. The oil spills are about 15km long. Those boats will be there in about three to four hours."
3:48 pm
Reuters have spoken to the Austrian Foreign Ministry spokesman in Vienna said and confirmed the second missing passport.
"Our embassy got the information that there was an Austrian on board. That was the passenger list from Malaysia Airlines.
"Our system came back with a note that this is a stolen passport," he said.
Police found the man at his home.
The passport was stolen two years ago while he was travelling in Thailand, the spokesman said.
2:51 pm
A SECOND passenger on the flight was using a stolen passport, it has emerged.
Austrian Christan Kozel, aged 30, has been confirmed as safe and well by authorities.
He said his passport was stolen when he visited Thailand two years ago, Austrian newspaper De Standard reports.
He has phoned his family from Thailand to tell them he is alive and well.
1:45 pm
An extraordinary story has just emerged from Italy in relation to missing flight MH 370.
Luigi Maraldi, 37, from Cesena, was named as one of the passengers on board the plane.
However, reports in Italy have confirmed that he was NOT on board and that he had reported his passport stolen last August.
Mr Maraldi's parents have spoken to him in Thailand and he is 'fine', news agency ANSA reports.
The revelation suggests that one of the 227 passengers on board the missing flight was using a stolen passport.
1:25 pm
This handout picture taken and released by Hamid Ramlan shows his daughter Norliakmar Hamid and her husband Razahan Zamani who were passengers on a missing Malaysia Airlines flight, posing with relatives before take-off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport en route to Beijing.
This is the first picture of two people believed to have been on board missing flight MH370.
Norliakmar Hamid, in the pink jacket on the right, and her husband Razahan Zamani, posed with relatives before taking off from Kuala Lumpur airport.
Norliakmar's father Hamid Ramlan released the picture as he waits to hear news.
12:51 pm
Malaysian Airlines released a full list of the all the passengers on board the missing flight earlier.
The 12-mile oil slick discovered by the Vietnamese Navy is the first confirmed piece of evidence that flight MH370 may have crashed.
It was spotted during searches of the South China Sea earlier.
We're expecting another press conference shortly and hope to hear more then.
12:21 pm
An airport worker writes on a sign board advising relatives of passengers of a missing Malaysia Airlines to go to a nearby hotel for information on the flight, at Beijing International Airport
This was an airport working writing information for affected relatives on a whiteboard in Beijing earlier.
They were advised to go to a hotel and wait but many are now growing frustrated.
Sepang, 8 March 2014: The families of all passengers on board MH370 are being informed. The flight was carrying a total number of 239 passengers and crew – comprising 227 passengers (including 2 infants) and 12 crew members.
An international search and rescue mission was mobilized this morning. At this stage, our search and rescue teams from Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam have failed to find evidence of any wreckage.
The sea mission will continue while the air mission will recommence at daylight.
KUALA LUMPUR: THE MH370 plane is feared crash at sea about 100 nautical miles east of Kota Baru, Kelantan.
Sources told the New Straits Times that assets from the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, Royal Malaysian Navy and Royal Malaysian Air Force have been deployed to the area for a search and rescue mission this morning.
“After receiving information from the Department of Civil Aviation, the MMEA and Navy have deployed four vessels to the location.
“It was presumed that the flight might be somewhere 100 nautical miles east of Kota Baru and 120 nautical miles southern of Vietnam’s tip,” said a source.
It was learnt that the MMEA deployed their KM Langkawi, KM Segantang and KM Amanah together with an amphibious aircraft, while the RMN have sent their KD Pahang for the mission.
Several other helicopters belong to the MMEA and the Air Force have also been put on standby, and would be deployed to Kelantan and Terengganu later today.
I was at work today and shocked to read a post on fb about the lost contact of MH370 flight bound to China.. I will try to find update about the incident and post it here.. for the starting here is the link for the official media statement make by MAS..